 First Congregational Church and Society,  United Church of Christ,  6 Payson Hill Rd.,  Rindge, NH 03461   Mailing address: PO Box 451, Rindge, NH 03461   Phone: 603-899-5722 

Copyright 2015 All rights reserved. 

Where are you located?

6 Payson Hill Road

Rindge, New Hampshire 03461

When is the service?
Our Sunday worship service begins at 10 am in the sanctuary, which is located up the stairs from the main entryway. 
The service usually lasts about an hour and is followed by coffee and fellowship in the downstairs hall. 

Office Hours are Thursdays 12:30-4:00 or by appointment.

How do I get to the Sanctuary?
                Our building - including the sanctuary - is accessible  and open to all.      
 There are two entrances to our building.   The main entrance is at the front of 
the building, and includes the two doors facing   Payson Hill Road.
This entrance opens into the downstairs foyer.  
Ascend the stairs or use the elevator  enter the sanctuary.  
A second entrance  is located on the School Street side of the building, 
at the top of the ramp.  This entrance brings you into the downstairs hall.  
Traveling through the hall, the Sunday School area and a small corridor will bring you to the downstairs foyer.  

​Looking for ways to connect?
    We also invite our church family to stay connected by choosing one of more of the  options listed below.  
 1. Face Book :  Those who wish to be engaged in a written conversation are invited to join our  Facebook group.
2. E-Mail:  We send out a weekly e-mail with inspirations and, updates, and church news. 
 3. Phone call:  If you need to talk on the phone- give us a call,  603.899.5722 leave a message and we will get back to you.